my story

For over a decade I have been intentionally involved in the exploration of mind as an artistic medium. As I remember it, it began with this video on body language.

Stunned by the idea that the mind and body are interconnected, and that behaviour can be altered to the effect of changing outcomes in the real world, I followed my curiosity, consuming books, videos, and podcasts across the genres of self-help, spirituality, and science.

At age 18, I found myself at medical school and beginning to understand the mind and body.

The first years of study were almost pure science; physiology, neuroscience, pharmacology, anatomy… I made huge leaps in understanding and knowledge, but to my surprise, I found myself with more questions than answers.

Searching for those answers; I read more broadly to learn about how others had understood life, I leaned into mind-altering drugs causing me to withdraw socially and into a battle with anxiety and paranoia, and I thought fervently about the future considering both dystopian and utopian timelines.

Finally, out of desperation, I began a mindfulness meditation practice.

It has taken time, the support of mentors, and consistency; but through practice, I have overcome anxiety, developed new kinds of skilfulness, and found confidence that has supported me in taking action and living a meaningful life.

I made the big yet thoughtful decision to take a year out of Medicine and to travel. I told my parents and friends, many of whom didn’t understand my choices, and set off to go from Malaysia to India using anything but aeroplanes.

My plans resulted in disappointment twice, once via injury and once via a world-pausing pandemic. I never made it to India - but I have a great story from Nepal.

In late 2020, I returned to medical school to work on COVID swamped Intensive Care Units, created and led a national climate campaign, and began to train as a mindfulness meditation teacher.

Meditation practice helped me to remain curious and balanced in the midst of challenging situations, and to think outside the box. During my research into the factors behind climate change, I found myself studying and investing in digital assets and decentralised technologies.

Eventually, I made the decision to leave what I knew and try something different. Starting Space to Be and being a meditation teacher is something different.

My creativity and confidence has continued to flourish alongside regular practice, including creative contributions to a globally published comic book, work on games, and getting paid to write. I’ve also taken further opportunities to travel solo; around the entirety New Zealand’s south island, in the USA, and Argentina; recording podcasts on the way.

Now, I am a certified meditation teacher in two traditions. This is the culmination of two years of training across Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s MMTCP via University of California, Berkeley, and then by Tibet House US and Dharma Moon’s MMTT led by David Nichtern. And I’m still learning.

Now, I offer all of my experience and experimentation, experience both prior to and beyond the story I’ve just told, so you can learn to live life confidently and channel your energy towards what matters to you most.

I look forward to meeting you soon.